If you don't have clear expectations for your culture,
how will your team be able to SUCCEED?




-- 3-hr Virtual Training --

Walk away with an actionable, customized Dream Team Blueprint, that shows them EXACTLY what they need to do to achieve their goals this season... or your money back!

Join the Waitlist!

Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.


the softball-specific mental performance company that's supported by ELITE leaders, including these AMAZING former special guests!

You already know that the most successful coaches you currently look up to are crushing it with their culture and mental performance... and chances are, that's exactly what you want too, right?!

You want your team to

🏆 Win more games
🚫 Limit mental errors and 

Most of all, because you're the kind of coach who wants to develop them as PEOPLE, not just athletes...

You want to make an IMPACT. 

But the biggest HURDLE I see with struggling coaches (that keeps their teams under-performing and losing their love for the game), is that dang rock-in-my-turfs question:

"How do I KEEP my culture strong, with alllll the ups and downs?"

If you're on this page, I have to assume you're asking yourself the same question, right?

What do I do when they're struggling? What do I do when they're complacent?What do I do when there's team drama? 

Think of each season as a skyscraper and you, Coach, are the architect. You know what you want to build, but you have to be clear on how to build it. Because you're not the one who has to do the work: THEY are.

Without a blueprint that tells them EXACTLY how to build an indestructable culture... all those things that inevitably go wrong, could send the building (your season!) CRUMBLING.

That very thought keeps SO many coaches up at night. The fear of falling short of your expectations, watching the team fall apart, feeling like you're letting your girls down...
it causes way too many coaches to leave the profession altogether.

And every coach who gets caught in those weeds - and STAYS there - is making one of the biggest mistakes that is keeping them from building a program that positively impacts players and gives them the success and joy they want.

And the worst part? They don't even realize the mistake that's costing them COUNTLESS hours of rest, and an immeasurable amount of lost impact (maybe you didn't realize it either... until now).

That's a mistake we want to help you fix!

The heartbreaking truth is:

If you don't have a Blueprint to keep your team culture strong  all season, the frustration could drive you out of your mind, or even out of softball. And the sport NEEDS coaches like you.

Show me just ONE successful coach you look up to who doesn't have a strong culture - who credit their team's culture for their continued SUCCESS.

You can't!

That's because they know what you may not have realized until just now:

When your team is struggling, we coaches (including you!) need to take a step back to see the big picture - NOT keep barreling through, doing the same thing and expecting different results.  Einstein famously said, "You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that caused it."

And when season gets rolling and we have a million things to do all at once... it's so easy to get stuck in the weeds! Fortunately, we coaches have access to a magical tool (yes, you too!)

If you've already been trying to build your culture - even if it isn't perfect yet - you are already on the right track to your most successful, enjoyable season yet!

In this coaches' clinic, we're going to teach you EXACTLY how to do that - and it starts with what you want for this season and what it will take to get there.

Plus! To make this the biggest no-brainer deal ever, we're going to make the best guarantee you've ever seen, which puts all the risk on us:


When you join us for our $47 Coaches' Clinic

If you show up and do the work, we GUARANTEE you'll walk away with a personalized, actionable blueprint you'll be ready to implement RIGHT AWA... Or your money back!

In other words - even if you create your Dream Team Blueprint - if you don't feel like you have a clear plan for creating an amazing team culture... Email us and we'll refund you!

Join the Waitlist!

We've helped HUNDREDS of coaches build stronger team cultures - and now it's your turn!

Our consulting clients pay anywhere from $3-$10,000 to bring us in to work privately with their teams. Our coach training and tools cost more too... and take more time.

This is our best offer for quick, impactful growth for your team. And coaches need it YESTERDAY.

Because since starting this business in 2017, we have seen SO many coaches struggle to get that all-in, competitive culture. After a season (or multiple) of dealing with drama, lack of buy-in, and selfish attitudes... all coaches are left with is sleep deprivation and gray/less hair.

Which means if you never get culture reigned in, you'll never be able to move on to their mental performance.... Which means you won't get to join our more in-depth programs that help you develop your players' confidence and competitive edge.

It's for that reason we want to get this training into as many hands as we possible can, so we can help you make an even bigger impact.

So whattya say, Coach... Are you in?