Our Toolkit is for coaches who know how important the mental game is, but simply don't have the tools to train it as much as they should. They say...

"I want what's best for my players, but I can't seem to get them out of their own way."
"We've tried motivational videos, reading books, and talking about how they have to trust the process.
They know what they SHOULD be doing, but they just can't seem to execute on game day.
None of the things we've tried have made much of a difference long-term."
The hardest part to hear is when they say...
"I'm at a loss & honestly don't know how much longer I can keep this up."
 Without these tools, you could wind up walking away for good.
We know because we've been there.
Hi there! We're Alicia & Mel - Just a couple softball coaches who love a good high-five but love what coaching the mental game has done for our players more!

We aren't always this peppy though.Â
We've each had multiple times in our careers where we thought, "WHY in the world do we do this to ourselves?? Nothing we do is helping!"
Even with our extensive coaching background and training/experience training the mental game, our teams aren't immune to the struggle:
- Mental errors
-Â Snowball innings
- Slumps
- Cliques
- Drama
- Attitudes
- Selfishness
- Meltdowns
  (players' AND our own)
- Disappointment
- Frustration
- More tears
You can relate, right? The difference is, we have the tools to work our girls through these challenges FASTER.
We've taken 30+ years coaching high-level ball from National-caliber travel ball to DI college... 3 Master's degrees in Sport Psychology, Leadership and Coaching...
And have hand-picked the most impactful, practical set of tools that we can use EVERY single season/game/practice to make our players better.
But even the best tools won't last without this CRUCIAL strategy.
The reason everyone's familiar with mental training but most players still struggle is because there hasn't been a full-season SYSTEM. Until now!
Most coaches will just TELL their players what they SHOULD be doing:
- "You've gotta believe in yourself"
- "You have to trust the process"
- "I can't want this more than you"
Coaches like you know that doesn't work.Â
Plus it's frustrating as heck when they don't seem to get it or don't seem willing to change. In reality, it's not their fault. They simply haven't been trained properly.
That's why created the 3T Mastery Method:
Teach > Train > Test
First we TEACH (a) what mental strength looks like in action, through real-life stories of athletes who have reached the highest levels of our sport (& still LOVE playing)... and (b) the mental skills it takes to be strong despite doubts, distractions & drama.
Next, we TRAIN these skills just like we train the physical part of the game using actionable activities & on-field softball drills. From how to stay motivated to how to stay confident, these skills take practice!
Finally, we TEST their skills with added pressure. It starts by adding goals & consequences to drills, then builds from there all the way up to the most high-stakes games. THIS is the real "process" we've been preaching all along!

This proven method gets players out of their own way so they can
âś“ Improve their focus
  & block out distractions
âś“ Build self-confidence
  even with high expectations
âś“Â Bounce back quickly
  from setbacks & failures
✓ Stay composed under pressure
  & better handle stress
âś“ Increase consistency
  & eliminate slumps
✓ Stay motivated all season
  - even in the grind
âś“Â WANT to play for each other,
  despite inevitable differences
You can only get this softball-specific combo of proven method & practical tools in the

The past 10 years, we have been implementing & refining the best practices from Sport Psychology, Leadership & Coaching. Altogether there are HUNDREDS of resources in this Toolkit to help you
>>Â Build a strong team culture
>>Â Improve their resilience
>>Â Increase their confidence
>>Â Create more effective practices
Made for softball coaches, BY softball coaches. So they mental training doesn't stop after 6 weeks, and you don't feel overwhelmed trying to do it all!
A strong team culture is like a good fire. It has to be built properly from the start AND tended to in order to keep it strong.
HUNDREDS of coaches from 10u to DI have created their Dream Team Blueprints using this simple yet impactful process, and they rave about how excited they are to have a practical, customized way to keep their team's culture strong all season!
PLUS, we've included ALL past Culture Calls with softball coaching greats:Â
Lonni Alameda & the Florida State Staff
Hutch & the Michigan Staff
Patrick Murphy
Sue Enquist
Mike CandreaÂ
Imagine getting ideas and tips straight from the GOATS of our profession!Â

Ever reflected after a particularly rough game and thought, "I wish there was a way to fix this in practice, but it's all mental!"
Well here's your solution!
We've put together over 100 drills covering EVERY physical skill, that allow your girls to TEST their mental skills so they can be game-ready. And they're fun! Adding these challenges, that "mindset gap" between practice and game mode gets shorter and shorter.
Plus this bundle also includes tools for motivation, getting (and staying) out of slumps, and keeping the game fun. All tested by real coaches at all levels and proven to keep their head where it needs to be. Â
This bundle includes
🔥 105 Drills
🔥 Win Scoreboard
🔥 Buy-In BundleÂ
   (Including 3 Activities + 7 Challenges)
🔥 Game-Within-A-Game PDF
🔥 Momentum Master Plan
🔥 Slump-Buster Handbook
   (Including Coach Guide + Idea Bank + 3 Activities)

Know your players need to improve their mental skills, but aren't quite ready for the full Me for We Program? Start with this Challenge!
This challenge was designed to teach players the Cardinal Mental Performance skills for dealing with stress & improving their consistency.
With a quick video training, reflective activities, fun Minute-to-Win-It-style challenges and on-field drills, you'll see improvement each week as they flip their mentality:
đź’ŞÂ From Attitude & Sass to Straight Up Kicking [Booty!]
💪 From Easy to Break to Impossible to Shake
💪 From Feeling Small to Standing Tall
💪 From Distracted & Loss to Acting Like A Boss
💪 From Afraid to Fail to Fearless & Free
💪 From Wingin' It to Bringin' It
Plus there's a step-by-step Coach's Guide to walk you through implementing the whole thing!

Without this tool, you could (unintentionally) sabotage all the growth your players have made.
Most coaches struggle running practices that really make an impact, because they're not taught HOW to coach in the most effective way.
From Sport Psychology strategies to get the best out of your athletes... To Motor Learning principles that make the work they do in practice actually SHOW up on game day... This is YOUR toolkit to help you:
🚀 Get All-In Buy-In
🚀 Create A Deliberate Plan
🚀 Get Them Game-Ready
🚀 Give Effective Feedback
🚀 Keep Them Motivated
Plus we include a couple bonus resources forÂ
🚀 Impactful fundraising
🚀 Game-Day Management

You're getting FOUR practical, resource-packed mental training programs built from YEARS of validating with competitive teams.
To improve team cohesion, trust & create a common language around your standards (Value: $497)
To help your players to practice dealing with pressure & bouncing back from failure (Value: $497)
To give your players the mental skills to improve confidence & focus (Value: $497)
To help you get more out of the limited time you have with your girls (Value: $497)
That's $1,988 in value that you get to GIVE to your team.
But you only pay $497!
Not sure yet? Then ask yourself: Would you rather stick with the way you've been doing things? Or get game-changing results like these? ↓Â

Wanna know the real "magic" that gets lasting results?Â
We admit, there are a lot of programs out there that promise similar results as ours. Maybe you’ve invested in mental training before, only to be disappointed, and this is starting to sound like more of the same.
The reality is... few (if any) of the those programs can get results like we do, for one simple reason:
We work with the CORE of your entire program: YOU!

The fact that you’re on this page means that you KNOW your players can do/be/achieve more. The fact that you’re still reading this far also means that you haven’t found that program yet. Because if you did, you wouldn’t be here, right?
If this applies to you, what you’re about to read is the most important think you’ll ever read about coaching a high-performing team.
It all starts with you.
You WANT to finally go all in on mental training, and you want to make a bigger difference in your players’ lives, and it's going to start with one person. What you do next will ultimately determine your players' growth this season.
Consider this: the fact that you aren't satisfied with your team's outcomes is because YOU need a mindset shift.Â
>Â Players have bad body language?
>> What does your face do after they blow a play?
> They don't believe in themselves?
>> How sure are you of your own coaching ability?
> They're inconsistent?
>> How many different messages do you send each day?
You have to ask yourself this one vital question that will determine whether your team will succeed of fail. The one question is this:
“Am I going to be 100% responsible for the impact I have on my team... or am I not?”
According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of responsibility is: Causing something to happen.
So, that means whatever impact you have - or haven't - had on your team: you’ve helped cause that.
If you want a mentally stronger team, you have to be mentally stronger FIRST.Â

That's all but impossible without support.
And we coaches have a serious problem when it comes to this: we think we can (or at least should be able to) do everything ourselves.
Look no further than the staffs at the PEAK of our profession. You may have noticed multiple World Series teams with Mental Performance Consultants in their dugouts.
Though most teams can't afford that (yeah, us either!)... Now you don't have to!
With the Toolkit, you'll have a mental game coach & experienced coaching colleagues in your pocket!

đź‘Š Private app for easy communication
đź‘Š Challenges to keep you accountable
đź‘Š Forum to share what's working
đź‘Š Bi-weekly virtual Coaches' Meetings
đź‘Š Access for your WHOLE staff
The Sweet Spotter Community is second to NONE when it comes to support!
But before you think, "I don't need this program... I can train the mental game on my own,"
It's harder than you think!
It seems like a pretty straight-forward system, right? Head back to YouTube or podcasts. Learn some things. Bring it to your players. And reap the rewards!
Unfortunately... No.
When it comes to coaching the mental game, we as a profession are WAY behind. Effective mental training SO much more complex than the one-and-done, motivational workshops, quotes & gimmicks.
Let me explain what I mean... and why this is important to you (AND your team.)

You wouldn't
> Go into the gym for an hour and hope is lasts all season
> Tell your girls to go lift without explaining exactly how to do it
> Leave their training to someone without the credentials, training & experience
But that's what most coaches currently do with the mental game & it's no surprise that the results never change.Â
Maybe you’ve experienced it yourself.
You've done so much research & have tried everything you can think of to teach them how to be tougher - but they just don't seem to get it.
You listen for hours to two crazy ladies on some podcast chat about the mental game - but it's still not working with your team like you'd hoped.
Before you know it, you’re out of cards to play, at a complete loss for how to get them out of their heads, and maybe even wondering if you’re cut out for this gig after all.
So here’s the million dollar question...
 How much longer can you continue doing the same thing, expecting different results?
Meet our Coaches' Coach!

Co-Founder & Head Coaches' Coach, Mel Rushing is in this business to support the leaders who want to make an impact:
"It lights me up when I can see a coach visually relax as they realize just how much they really are making a difference. From teaching how to implement the mental game to highlighting their strengths as a coach so they can continue to help their girls - I love feeling supportive."
She has spent over 13 seasons & 18 years of coaching the mental game, using her Master's degrees in Sport Psychology and Leadership & Learning, including 7 years as our Head Coaches' Coach.
Her experiences & accolades include:
-Â Over a decade coaching at the college level
-Â Member of the NFCA DIII All-American Committee
- Speaker for the Michigan High School Softball Coaches Association
- Featured 2x on the National Fastpitch Coaches Association’s The Dirt Podcast
- Co-host of the Coaching the Mental Game of Softball Podcast, reaching over 69,000 devices to date!Â
Coaching can be lonely, and there's certainly a LOT of responsibility. It's about time you get the support you need, so you can be your BEST for your team.
Now having said all that...
This program is NOT for everyone
For coaches who value the relationship part of coaching, it gives you the tools to make a REAL difference.
For coaches who are students of the game, it provides science-backed strategies for developing stronger platers.
For those kinds of coaches, the Toolkit is their most impactful resource.

Still... If you’re looking for a magic wand or a quick fix for your players, this program is not for you.
The Coach Toolkit is designed to give coaches the tools to build stronger HUMANS. So if you’re looking for a quick fix, keep looking.
 If you’re just learning about mental training and dabbling in it for now, the Toolkit probably isn’t right for you... yet.
 To get the most out of the Toolkit you’ve got to know - in your gut - that the mental game is the missing piece your team needs.
 Finally, if your MAIN focus is to win games, boost stats & bring home rings, it’s probably not a good fit. This Toolkit is for impact-focused coaches who know that coaching the PERSON is the best way to coaching the PLAYER.
 That said, if you’re ready to start unlocking their true potential and you’re willing to put in the necessary time and effort (yes there is time and effort involved) to make that dream come to life... then here is your chance!

If that sounds like you - and you’re 100% willing to make that commitment to your players - we promise this program will be your surest path to success.

We’re going to give you an entire year (365 days!) to utilize ALL of the training & resources... So you can prove to yourself, your team, AND their parents that the investment is worth every penny.
If it isn't, all you need to do is contact our team and we’ll happily return your investment.
So here’s the deal...
We’re promising the fastest path to the team you’ve always dreamed of. By giving you all the tools and resources you need to help them take HUGE strides... But you have skin in this game too. You have to do the work. And if you’re not willing to... Frankly, you’ll be wasting everyone’s time.
To sum it up...
You use the Toolkit for a YEAR, then at the end if you’re not
🩵 Absolutely amazed with their growth
🩵 Impressed by how tough & resilient they've been
🩵 Sincerely proud of your OWN growth
Simply let our team know, show us the work you’ve done, and we’ll refund the entire investment.
Sounds more than fair, right?
But there is one catch.
The reason is simple... nothing sticks unless you PRACTICE it.
People confuse acquiring with accomplishing. They’ll pay for programs or lessons and think they’re taking action. But 2, 3, 6 months later, after they haven’t even show up, they’re asking for a refund, feeling guilty that they didn’t make the time.

You already know...
Nothing works unless YOU do.
All the guarantees in the world won’t make you prioritize the work. So if you’re not fully committed to this program and incorporating it into everything you do as a team, then save your money. No judgment - but it’s the same as paying for private lessons and never practicing in between.
If you’re committed to taking action, then this is one of the most generous guarantees you’ll ever get.
Because it gives you a full year to apply what you learn, try out the drills, use the coaching tools and be a part of an amazing community.
You get an entire season to go from wishing and hoping to getting results. Or your money back!
It’s time to make one of two choices...
Choice A:Â do nothing. And as you already know... If you choose nothing, then nothing changes. To which you may be thinking, "Well we don't have it THAT bad..."
But that’s not entirely accurate. If you don't get these tools and improve your team's mindset, where will they be in a few months... or a few years? If you said "the same place," you're actually wrong.
They'll be worse off. Each failure, game & season will pile on more frustration as they continually fall short of expectations. Without the tools to deal this stress, your players will, at best, get left behind. At worst, they'll quit. With a bitter taste in their mouth, only remembering how softball made them miserable.

So if you know you DON'T WANT THAT for your players, then your choice is obvious:
Invest in the Coach and get the resources you need to make the impact you DESERVE!
What makes this Toolkit special?
The Coach Toolkit created and refined over a decade, combining Sport Psychology, Leadership & Coaching principles. What makes THIS resource so different the rest boils down to 3 distinct differences:
1| SOFTBALL-SPECIFIC - We've spent DECADES applying scientifically-proven Sport Psych concepts to our teams, to create the best program specifically for our sport. Softball is our specialty, which means the players GET what we're talking about quickly and apply it right away!
2 | ME FOR WE - At Mental Sweet Spot, we don’t believe in we OVER me. We start with the individual and how they can be their best in service of a greater team mission.
3 | A CUSTOMIZED PLAN - Your team is unique & your coaching style is specifically you. The Coach Toolkit allows you to craft the right game plan for your team based on the VISION you create together. Then, you get the tools to execute on that plan and build something truly amazing.
I’m still pretty new to coaching. Is this a good fit for me?
The Coach Toolkit was created for those who have a passion for making an impact. If you’ve got the softball basics covered, we can help you level up their performance when they’re under pressure!
The beautiful thing about these resources is that they work for new AND seasoned coaches, due to the nature of our sport’s seasons, which provide new adventures each and every year. So yes, if you’re new to coaching this is 100% for you (and MOST veterans will tell you they wish they had started coaching the mental game earlier!)
 My team is young/inexperienced - will this program still help them?
Players under the age of about 12 don’t quite grasp all of these topics yet, so we suggest Bootcamps for the youngsters to tailor our language to their level.
12u & up, it doesn’t matter what their experience level - mental training ALWAYS helps performance. In fact, we’ll show them how to build confidence that will put them ahead of other teams who opt to push it off 'til later!
  My team is already pretty successful - is this stuff necessary?
Abso-freakin’-lutely YES. In fact, one of the biggest breakthroughs you and your team will experience is how much more ENJOYABLE that success is, once you level up your mental game!
In fact, we’ll show them how to build confidence that will put them ahead of other teams who opt to push it off 'til later!
This sounds overwhelming - how much time will this take to implement?
If this program sounds like a beast, it might just be because you feel overwhelmed with coaching itself. And you’re trying to imagine how you’ll add this program to your existing to-do list.
The Me for We program is the ANTIDOTE to overwhelm. It’s designed to give you focus and clarity on your DREAM goals. It will help you align your actions so you can see the BIG PICTURE of where you’re headed.
Also, you have LIFETIME Access to the team AND coach Toolkits! It’s not something you have to RUSH to complete. Inside the program, we help you identify where best to start, depending on where your team currently is.
That doesn’t require completing the entire thing.
So, if you can commit to 1-2 focused hours a week, you’ll begin to see a whole new level of growth and progress in your team immediately!
 I don’t have full time (or even part time) assistants. Will this be too much for just me?
As you’ll quickly learn, we highly recommend surrounding yourself with the right people to support you as you realize your vision for your team. However, many coaches do get results carrying the brunt of the weight themselves.
 Training your team’s mental performance without a full staff of coaches won’t be too much work - it will simply mean you will move at a different pace. With that being said, we empower our coaches to utilize the built-in community to get the support, advice, and encouragement you need!
 I struggle with my own confidence and whether I’m doing enough/the right thing for my players.
We can relate! If you have a passion and desire to help your athletes, YES! We can help you break through any fear or worry about perfectionism, criticism or letting others down.
I’m pretty old-school. Will this stuff be too out there for me?
Nope! Your old-school values of hard work, determination and grit will serve you as you take your coaching skills to the next level.
This generation is different. It’s time we accept that. AND they can be even BETTER than the last... IF they have the right tools and the kind of leader that will guide them though the process.
 Is there someone I can talk to?
Absolutely! You can set up a FREE Game Plan call to find out if it's a good fit. If it's not, we'll refer you to a more suitable resource!
Step 1: Schedule a (FREE) Game Plan CallÂ
On that call, we’ll discuss what your team is struggling with and the specific ways we at Mental Sweet Spot can help you.
Step 2:Â Discover if we're a good fit for each other
This is why it's important to have all stakeholders (other coaches, AD, board or boosters, etc) on the call - so we can answer any and all questions you may have.
Step 3: Decide!
By the end, if we decide we are a fit for each other, you can make your deposit & claim your team's spot on our limited schedule ;)
Then we'll agree on a time frame for you to decide on a payment plan & get your team on the schedule for their mental training sessions!
If for any reason we’re not a fit, we will send you with excellent alternative options.
What’s the guarantee/refund policy?
We offer a 365-day conditional guarantee. Which is a little different than a refund.
We require you to put in the work: attend multiple Coaches' Meetings, implement the tools & drills we share, interact with the coach app... Basically show that you committed and it still didn’t help you or your team.
We want there to be NO RISK whatsoever when you decide to join us, and this is how confident we are in our product! Please see terms & conditions for details.
Can all the coaches go through this program? What about multiple teams?
Absolutely! We encourage it! We understand the power of working as a team better than most ;) so we definitely want that to extend to the coaches!
We've found that teams within an organization are much more committed if they CHOOSE to commit to the program independently.
That being said, there are countless benefits to the entire organization getting on board.
Particularly for organizations who want to build a reputation amongst college coaches for developing mentally strong athletes who play hard for their team!
 Is there support available if I have questions or we go through a rough patch?
As a Sweet Spotter, we want you to know we’ve absolutely got your back! You have
#1 Players have the Team App - This is where they can share wins, ask questions of the coaches, and get any additional advice/feedback they need during the 6-wk training.
#2 Coaches have lifetime access to the members-only group - This is your community. It’s your chance to ask questions and get feedback on what you’re doing with your team
#3 Coaches also get a year’s worth of monthly Coaches Meetings - You’ll also receive LIVE group coaching with Mel and other members, where any questions, clarifications or wins can be directed!
#4 For technical questions, reach out to [email protected]