Dream Teams Play for Each Other
We give softball players the tools to get out of their own way
and refocus on what's most important: the TEAM.

The best teams support one another as they work toward a common goal

The best players are self-motivated and willing to do whatever it takes.

Mentally Tough
The best programs train the mind to be resilient and bounce back from failure.
The problem is...
Individual athletes are so worried about their own performance...
they're too stressed to be a good teammate.
They're dealing with so many unrealistic expectations...
they'd rather stay in their comfort zone than risk failing.
These young women don't have the skills to deal with failing and move through it, so...
they crumble and fall far short of their potential.
We have the science-backed, all-age-proven, softball-specific program for that!
We believe your team deserves to play
fearless & free, with smiles on their faces
Meet your coach: Alicia Smith!
Alicia combines 20+ years of on-field experience and success with a Master's in Coaching Sport Performance to take teams to the next level. She's implemented mental training with her own teams for years, leading them to multiple State Championships, runner-up and quarterfinal titles.
Now she brings that same knowledge and passion to teams at all levels from 12u to DI!
If you asked any of the HUNDREDS of players she has impacted what makes her so special, they would say because she cares so much about them.
Your players will be in great hands as she teaches them the Sport Psychology tools to improve their performance.